ECS would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to all of our customers for your trust and confidence. We are so thankful to be given the opportunity to assist you in your business operations, and we look forward to many more years of mutual prosperity.
This year has been great for ECS. In reviewing this year’s closing numbers we see a big gain in momentum toward the latter half of the year and in the current quarter in particular, with November’s numbers posting the biggest month in our company’s twelve year history. We are looking forward to continuing the momentum into 2013.
Looking Ahead.
In 2013 we are are looking forward to a positive year with contract and temp-to-hire taking center stage as companies sort out the uncertainties that remain in the economy and begin to formally prepare for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act effective January 1, 2014.
An equally important issue in 2013 and beyond is the ongoing development of State and Federal laws related to the independent contractor issue. With billions in lost tax revenues and insurance premiums at stake, more oversight and investigation is guaranteed in this area. ECS has always been proactive about how we engage non-employees and will continue to improve that compliance product as we move forward.
These will be hot button issues for your clients, so please contact ECS to help you take advantage of them.
I am always optimistic about the next year being positive for contract, but with the issues above, this coming year is undoubtedly going to be a great environment for contract staffing. We are looking forward to building with you.
Happy Holidays!
I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a great finish for 2012. Enjoy your friends and family and time away from work, and thank you again for working with ECS.
Ed Kelly, President
Employment Contractor Services, Inc.